Friday, March 22, 2013

Fan-art (3)


Another fan-art of cosplayer Katybear - This is Emma Frost aka "The White Queen"

The previous one are Smoke
and Cammy/Bison

Made with Manga Studio

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wacom and Linuxmint

Brand new wacom 

Just bought a new Wacom Bamboo Pen tablet CTL-470K - guess what ?!

it doesn't work : neither on Linuxmint KDE 13 nor Linuxmint 9 Isadora Xfce.


What do I mean by "it doesn't work" : You plug the tablet it lights up - but moving the pen on the surface doesn't  move the cursor on the display.
$xinput list
and doesn't seems to detect it

NB : The previous wacom Bamboo CTE-450 worked "out of the box" with LinuxMint (which was a pretty nice user-experience) - I guess there's some lesson to learn from that.


1. Buying the latest product, isn't necessarily the best user experience
2. There must be some enormous change between the 2 models, obviously - something that would require a complete new approach on the drivers
3. An interesting fact : the bamboo pen aren't interchangeable from one tablet model to the other
4. the strange metallic "ring" found in the same plastic bag with the nib, is actually a nib extractor


Here's some more screenshots and research I posted related to this

I followed and installed ; I had very high hope on this fix - but unfortunately ... no improvement - the wacom is still unresponsive (it lights up) but moving the pen doesn't move the cursor - but the wacom module is there!
$ modprobe -l | grep wacom
Now I'm digging deep in that very extensive linuxmint forum post - and trying to figure out what I should install and how to avoid breaking everything.

My current focus is to have it working on Isadora (which is going to be obsolete soon, I know)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fan-Art (2)


Another fan-art for cosplayer Katybear - interpreting rule 63 of "Smoke" a Czech ninja assassin turned into a cyborg in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series.


"Smoke" is supposed to be from Prague, Czech Republic - This must be emphasized because Prague is supposed to have a Golem lost somewhere in the city, maybe "Golem" is actually the old name used for "cyborg ninja assassin" ?!

Made with Manga Studio

Friday, March 1, 2013

Liberez le

Liberez votre creativité

C'est le titre du livre de Julia Cameron - en anglais le titre est "The artist's way" et je viens de commencer sa lecture ; il y a en page 57 comme un "contrat" pour que l'exercice soit pris serieusement ... Je me suis dit que j'allais l'ecrire ci-dessous - car cela pourra avoir  un effet plus ferme si l'engagement est publique :

Moi, Phillip Koops, je suis conscient que je m'achemine vers une rencontre intense et guidée avec ma propre créativité. Je m'engage pour les douze semaines que dure cette méthode. Je m'engage a une lecture hebdomadaire, a faire mes pages chaque matin, a un rendez vous hebdomadaire avec l'artiste, et a éxecuter les devoirs de chaque semaine.
Je comprends par ailleurs que cette méthode soulevera en moi des problemes et des émotions que je devrais gérer. Je m'engage a prendre excessivement soin de moi : sommeil, regime, exercice, chouchoutage adaptés ... pendant toute la durée de ce cours.

P.K. 01-Mars-2013

Who am I?


Ramana Maharshi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The mind will subside only by means of the enquiry 'Who am I?'. The thought 'Who am I?', destroying all other thoughts, will itself finally be destroyed like the stick used for stirring the funeral pyre.


Art Block

I've never knew what "art-block" was until I received an offer of doing 20 full pages illustration for a children book. At first, I jumped into it joyfully, and then the enthusiasm started to dry like snowflakes in an oven. Now, I look at all I've made so far, and the only desire I have is to put it back in the folder, forget about the whole thing and do something else, ... anything else ... like vacuum cleaning or washing the dishes, or running in circle very fast in the living room.

It probably has to do with the fact, that not knowing what I was able, or not able to do art wise, I said I'll do it - while at the same time, I should have been more cautious because as wide as an artist port-folio can be, some preferences are set and that's something I realize only when I tried it and felt it wasn't the thing I wanted to do.

Now, art is like water, it has to flow -- and if it's blocked, I feel nervous (to say the least).

Contradiction leads to nervousness, stress leads to procrastination, because I want to draw but I do not want to open this project back, and every time I start to draw something, it pops up like a little reminder - it sounds like this "wow, great you're drawing again, that's cool - what is it ? oh, a fan-art for Cammy, this is nice ... but aren't you supposed to draw 20 full pages illustration for a children book ?" and guess what, this kill the mood.

Time goes by, it's like trying to sleep in a bed with bread crumbs covering the sheets, no matter how tired you are, you have to get up and clean the mess.

Because the next step is the dreadful procrastination.


Procrastination is one of those "dirty" words, that sound a bit like mastication and castration.
And in a way, that's what it is really : going in some sort of a loop, where you want to do something but you don't really want it hard enough (that would be the mastication part).

And stuck in this space of thought, there's no result (that's the castration part).

But compared to other lines of work, where you force yourself to do the work because it's just a job - forcing ourselves to make art sounds a bit like a paradox - since creating art is supposed to be fun ?! or is it !?

Meg Robichaud - Page 1 of 37: That is, when you’re designing, you should be playing and having fun the way a child does, and you should be taking a gamble with your design decisions. If you’re not, you’re doing it wrong.