Friday, November 25, 2011

myPaint 1.0.0 no love for Helena

Mypaint 1.0.0 is out ... and I was jumping all over the place in excitement!
downloaded the source and followed my previous instructions.

But this time, that little trick (to avoid moving on from Helena to a newer Linux-mint version) -- does not work, since the latest version of myPaint is now using widget and a new toolbar which requires the newest GTK improvments (via pygtk). Helena comes with GTK (and pygtk/python-gtk2) release 2.16.0 -- and ... myPaint would require 2.21 or better (?!)

I tried to remove all the lines (just for fun and see what would happen) calling the new python fancy functions (like set_can_default, or set_can_focus ...)
but when finally myPaint appeared (see screenshot above) ... it was like a big screen saying "Game OVER!"

Well, at least I tried...

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