Making progress, one step at a time
After my last attempt at programming
Python with a graphical library (see–
I had used pygcurse, because I was familiar with the 'curses'
library, and that was the next logical step.
But obviously there were limitations, meaning that I would only be able to have more or less the
same experience using a sort of a grid, and fonts characters to play with
(no actual "sprites").
Pygcurse served its purpose well, I
started to understand better how to implement graphical elements and make them interact – but my real interest, has always been to put
little sprites everywhere. And since Pygcurse is just another layer
between python and pygame – I made the next logical step by
programming the new game in Pygame only.
Commenting the source
Source can be found here :
As usual the program starts with a few
constants (to avoid using 'magic numbers' something I learned in the
excellent book by Al Sweigart called "Making Games with Python & Pygame ") and then
the load_image function (I borrowed from the source file
that is provided with pygame) – then I create my 3 classes "Block",
"Ball" and "Player" in the same way I did for the
last source - see previous post).
Then in the main program I setup the
environment, load the sprites – and go in a loop that will exit when
the player press "ESC" or "Q" – I struggle a
bit to find a good FPS (frame per second) timing for the game, and
avoid the "avatar" to move an extra step (which happened
quite a lot, I noticed in many pygame examples) by waiting for the event KEYDOWN to update the avatar
The funny thing about this game, is
that it's actually based on a "odd" behavior of the ball class
that would sometime get stuck and not being able to find a valid
position to move into – I solve this by having a loop (using the
variable "sane") to search for all possible positions and
if it fails, the ball then is considered frozen.
That's where the saneblockerG name
comes from.
Want more?
The game could be certainly improved –
by for example stopping after the last ball is stuck.
Or by having more flexibility in the
ball's trajectory (avoiding the repetitive diagonals)
But the purpose was just to have a
first pygame playable game. And the program is there on google code
if anybody wants to improve it, so … the plan now is to program
another one, going further in the difficulty and having multiple
sprites to simulate movements, or dialogs, …