Coding is fun
Since my
previous post on Python - I've finished the Python module on
and now I'm practicing with an exercise of my own - trying to create a call-centre model.
The idea was to create my first class - Agent to store the call-centre employee
then to create another class - call-centre which is basically a list of agents
Then as you may notice the code isn't working, when it comes to hire or fire an agent -- because it simply can't retrieve an agent in the list.
There's more explanation as to know why in the comment
Coding is challenging
When I started this code, I had a very rough idea of implementing an agent class
- it will be in the staff or not (hired, or fired)
- it will interact with other (so far, no interaction - but maybe swap shift, or having likes/dislikes toward other agents)
- it will manage his stress level (burnout attribute)
- it will be promoted (level attribute)
- it will answer call
- it will go on break
- basically it will generate a log file of activities
At this stage, will have to implemented too - a call generator, and a shift class
But that's for later - the next class I created was the call-centre itself - thinking that it will be easy to simply organize all agents as a list within the call-centre.
I just have to figure out - if that's the best way to implement it - by finding a way to retrieve a specific agent within the list (which doesn't happen in the current code).
Or simply to change the strategy and how I currently handle the managing of the class Agents. My idea is to post a question on the codecademy forum.
In the meantime, sharpening a bit the basic Agent class is necessary - before I get into the call-centre class ..
I will keep posting my progress, I'm excited.